Gennusa Firm

(504) 308-0922

Filing Dangerous Drug Lawsuits In Louisiana: A Step-By-Step Guide

  • By: Gennusa Firm
  • Published: September 24, 2024
Filing Dangerous Drug Lawsuits In Louisiana: A Step-By-Step Guide

In this article, you can discover…

  • How to determine if you have a valid dangerous drug claim.
  • The importance of medical records to your case.
  • The compensation you may be entitled to through a dangerous drug lawsuit.

What Is A Dangerous Drug Under Louisiana Law?

Any drug that causes harm to a person due to manufacturer or seller error or negligence can be described as a dangerous drug. This harm could include serious, unexpected side effects or permanent injury suffered as a result of taking these medications. 

For example, drugs that are not manufactured safely, drugs that are not adequately tested, or drug companies failing to warn patients of side effects can all lead to medications becoming dangerous drugs. 

This definition applies to both over-the-counter medications as well as prescription drugs. 

How Can I Determine If I Have A Valid Dangerous Drug Claim?

In order to have a claim, you need to have suffered an injury that is documented by medical records. This documentation must demonstrate that you were prescribed and took the medication and that it caused you harm. 

For example, say your doctor prescribes you a new prescription medication. After taking this medication for a couple of weeks, you begin to notice abdominal discomfort. This discomfort gradually shifts to debilitating pain, forcing you to visit an emergency room. At the hospital, it is discovered that you are suffering internal bleeding, which you begin to suspect was caused by the new medication. 

In this case, your doctor’s initial prescription of the medication and your later hospital records will be crucial if you file a dangerous drug claim. These records help establish a connection between the medication and the injury and help determine the exact type of injury you have suffered. 

What Is The Process Of Filing A Dangerous Drug Lawsuit In Louisiana?

If you suspect that a medication you took has made you ill or caused an injury, your first step should be to reach out to an experienced personal injury attorney. They will help you determine if you have a case and whether there is a deadline to file a lawsuit. 

Your attorney will help you gather medical and pharmaceutical records to ensure your injury is documented in those records. These documents can also help prove that you were taking the dangerous drug at the time of your injury. 

What Are The Potential Challenges Of Pursuing A Dangerous Drug Claim?

One of the challenges many clients face involves possible deadlines to file a claim. Many states have a certain amount of time from the date of your injury to file a lawsuit. If you suspect that a drug has caused you injury or harm, reach out to a lawyer immediately. 

This will help your attorney gather needed evidence in time to file a lawsuit and pursue compensation.

It is also not uncommon for drug companies to argue that their medication did not cause your injury at all. To this end, your attorney can reach out to expert physicians to review your medical records and determine a link between your injuries and the prescription or over-the-counter drug. 

What Compensation Can I Claim For My Losses?

Dangerous drug cases can allow you to claim compensation for past and future medical expenses and lost wages. You can also seek damages for reduced quality of life, loss of companionship, emotional distress, and pain and suffering endured as a result of your drug injury. 

How Can An Injury Attorney Help Me Throughout The Claims Process?

A personal injury attorney with experience handling dangerous drug cases is your greatest ally as you move forward with your case. They can walk you through each step of the legal process and help determine if you have a valid and timely claim. 

Your attorney will also determine which drug company to file your claim against, gather your medical records, and get you in touch with expert physicians to help prove your injury and your case. Finally, your attorney will advocate for you with the drug companies to help you get the compensation your injuries merit. 

You don’t have to fight against pharmaceutical companies alone. Allow a diligent, caring, hard-working lawyer to review your case, reach out to the necessary experts and resources, and represent you justly and with the attention your case deserves. 

Still Have Questions? Ready To Get Started? For more information on Drug Lawsuits In Louisiana, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (504) 308-0922 today.

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